Published by PQube and developed by Octeto Studios, today marks the launch of 'Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire', a game that invites players to take to the skies!
Check out the 'Sky Oceans: Wings For Hire' official launch trailer now!
Relive a Golden Era of Classic JRPGs: Experience a touching, heartfelt narrative about the search for purpose & building friendships that last a lifetime.
Become Captain of a Ragtag Crew of Sky Pirates: As head of your crew, you must recruit new members & secure enough resources for your fleet!
Stylistic, Strategic Turn-Based Dog-Fights: Tactically plan attacks and adapt your strategy as you clash with adversaries in the open blue skies!
Gather Resources & Upgrade Your Airships: Upgrade your crew with new special abilities as you progress through a winding narrative!
A Beautiful Ghibli-Esque World, Filled With Wonder: Stunning Japanese animation inspired visuals make for diverse environments and memorable character design.
Original Orchestral Soundtrack: A beautifully orchestrated original soundtrack accompanies you along your journey.
Tyrone Walcott, Product Manager at PQube Games, shared his thoughts on the release.
"We’re delighted to see 'Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire' take off today. Octeto Studios have crafted a game that truly captures the spirit of classic JRPGs while offering something new and exciting for today’s players."
'Sky Oceans: Wings For Hire!' is out now on Steam, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S|X & Nintendo Switch!