Dear GDN Members,
Welcome to the first edition of our monthly eMagazine - an official GDN publication that contains articles on member’s projects, reminders of membership tools, and official updates.
In between issues, please visit the News & Game Showcase on our website.
We love to hear what our GDN Members are up to so please do send your updates to us.
Each article is shared on LinkedIn and X and automatically displayed on members’ profile pages. This boosts promotion, provides valuable insights to fellow companies, enhances trust, and contributes to business growth.
For us to prepare an article, send your news, projects, and pictures or artwork associated with the games you create to Tom.
We hope that GDN becomes a regular companion in your life as we have a driven team, eager to craft a world-class networking platform for video game developers.
Here’s to the first of many editions to come!